Press & Insights

Healthcare (5)

Two Hoefer Welker healthcare facilities receive DBIA-MAR awards

Kansas City, Mo.— Two healthcare facilities designed by architecture and design firm Hoefer Welker have received regional recognition from the...

With 30 VA facilities under its belt, Leawood architecture firm focuses on sustainability

Focusing on sustainability, Leawood-based Hoefer Welker was behind the recently opened a Veterans Affairs facility in Lenexa, and it has another...

Top Construction Projects: No. 1: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs clinic, $64.2 million

In September 2020, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs chose a 28-acre North Jacksonville site for an outpatient clinic. Now, that $64.2 million...

Hoefer Welker designs 3.5 million square feet of VA outpatient facilities, provides health services for millions of veterans

Kansas City, Mo. — Across the country, one architecture and design firm has provided more than two dozen instrumental and sustainable designs that...

Two prominent Dallas projects score in regional design, architecture awards

Dallas, Tex. — Two local facilities in the healthcare, education and corporate market sectors — each designed by architecture and design firm Hoefer...

North Jacksonville VA clinic approved at $64.2 million

North Jacksonville VA clinic approved at $64.2 million The city issued permits Nov. 1 for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic...

UT Southwestern Clements University Hospital Healthcare Environment Award Winner

In partnership with Healthcare Design magazine, the Center for Health Design Design administers the annual Healthcare Environment Awards. These...

The Art of Collaborative Listening

Designing Complex Medical Projects Architecture is an art form. At Hoefer Welker, we believe its subtlety lies in active listening and true...

Patient-Centered Design & Mental Health

The design of built environments can significantly impact patient well-being and outcomes, especially in mental health facilities. Long gone are the...

VA Goes Green (Globes)

Movies have the Golden Globes and sustainability projects have the Green Globes. Two facilities designed by Hoefer Welker in partnership with USFP...

New KU Proton Therapy Cancer Treatment Center 1st in Five-State Region

Following years of planning, The University of Kansas Health System has received the equipment necessary for a new proton therapy treatment center,...

Hoefer Welker designs Kansas’ first facility for alternative cancer treatment

Construction on the University of Kansas Health System’s new proton therapy treatment center is underway, and Leawood-based Hoefer Welker is behind...

KU Health gears up for new proton therapy cancer treatment center

Following years of planning, The University of Kansas Health System has received the equipment necessary for a new proton therapy treatment center,...