Press & Insights

New Missouri River Courthouse Makes Public Debut

A Dedication Ceremony was held on September 3, 2009 for the public debut of the Missouri River Courthouse in Great Falls, Montana. About 200 people gatthered outside this 48,000 SF courthouse, designed by HWA. View Montana News footage and a Great...

HWA Participates in Kansas City Community Blood Drive

HWA received a certificate of recognition for having 20 employees donate blood on August 18, 2009. We collected 13 units of blood and had 6 first...

Whiteman AFB Communications Facility Ground Breaking

The official ground breaking to begin the construction of the Whiteman Air Force Base Communications Facility took place on August 25, 2009. This...

HWA Welcomes 2 New Employees!

HWA is pleased to welcome Andrew Cortez and Patrick Smith to the team! Andrew is an Architecture and Business Management graduate from the University...

Clinic Modernization at Luke AFB Construction Progress

Phase I of the Clinic Modernization for 56th Medical Group at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona is complete. Phase II of this 77,600 SF renovation...

HWA Office Summer Gathering

On Friday afternoon HWA closed down the office at noon to celebrate 14 years in business. We enjoyed swimming, barbecue and refreshing summer drinks....

HWA Wins 18 to 10 in Local Kansas City Architectural Softball League

Last night HWA scored 18 runs in the local co-ed Kansas City Architectural Softball League, winning 18 to 10. With only 2 games left HWA currently...

Olathe Police Building Expansion Construction Progress

Construction of the Olathe Police Building Expansion in Olathe, Kansas is about 25% complete. The basement and first floor slab have been finished;...

Recent Project Award in Salt Lake City

HWA is pleased to announce that we have been selected to provide architectural services for the Department of Homeland Security – Immigrations and...

Recent Project Award at Offutt Air Force Base

We are pleased to announce that we have been selected to provide architectural services for the Ehrling Berquist Medical/Dental Clinic and...

HWA Presents Plaque at Jacksonville FBI Field Office Dedication Ceremony

Today Hoefer Welker’s Jacksonville FBI Field Office project team is in Florida to attend a Dedication Ceremony for the new 139,000 SF building. The...

HWA Welcomes 3 New Employees!

HWA is pleased to welcome Doug Roeder, Hosam Habib and Tanya Wilson to the team! Doug, Vice President and Senior Project Manager, comes from the...

Cass Regional Medical Center Construction Progress

The Cass Regional Medical Center construction, located in Harrisonville, Missouri, is making great progress. This 138,000 SF new replacement...