Although only nine years old, the Merriam Police Headquarters needed a full renovation to provide an efficient, flexible and durable space. It became was clear that the main issues where property room space and ventilation, locker room space to accommodate a more diverse workforce, and an inefficient HVAC system. The existing HVAC was grossly over sized and in constant need of repair. In addition to this issue, the backup generators location was sending exhaust fumes into the building every time it was in use.
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Hoefer Welker increased efficiency by locating officers’ daily activities adjacent to one another. The expanded locker room was designed for tactical locker space and private showering facilities. This area takes a lot of abuse, so designing with maximum durability and limited maintenance was a priority. The locker facility combined with briefing, gear storage, weapons storage and a new sally port made the patrol officers daily routine extremely efficient. Adjoining the new sally port was the property processing and storage rooms. The officers previously had to bring property through the facility and process the property in the hallway. Hoefer Welker created a secure evidence flow from the sally port to property processing through a pass-through locker into property storage.