
Corpus Christi VA Clinic - Hoefer Welker

Written by Hoefer Welker | September 27, 2023

The new outpatient clinic consolidates and unifies Corpus Christi’s VA buildings into one continuous and efficient state-of-the-art healthcare facility to serve and honor the veteran community. The clinic brings expanded services for primary care, home-based primary care, audiology and speech pathology, mental health, radiology, pathology, and laboratory medicine.



Inspired by Corpus Christi Bay's calming ocean and sandy beaches, the design promotes a healing, efficient, and functional environment that responds to veterans’ healthcare needs and supports the VA’s long-term goals and core values. 



Oriented to stand out as an important landmark from Texas-358 to the East, the building welcomes veterans and visitors with naturally landscaped paths, a ceremonial entry plaza, and a transparent front façade for easy wayfinding. Expansive glass walls and metal panels form an inviting entry and create a connection with nature by filtering natural light and making the rich landscape visible from inside.