The new MacKown Dental Clinic at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX, opened for business last week and it’s a very impressive facility!
Our firm should be very proud of this building. It has already received a US Air Force Design Award, and will likely receive additional awards in the future. An Air Force general officer who recently toured the facility just said “Wow … this is dental heaven!” Everyone who sees the facility is similarly impressed.
This isn’t just a run of the mill dental clinic; it’s the US Air Force’s Post Graduate Dental School and Clinic, a premier dental residency training and treatment facility with over 70 dental treatment rooms, a 6,000+ SF dental lab, and the latest in dental imaging technology. Their staff are a critical component in the treatment of service members returned from overseas with severe maxiofacial / head injuries, using 3-D stereolithography modeling technology and other advanced reconstructive techniques that are only available at a few locations in the country.
Thanks to everyone on the team for all their hard work!
Professional photography will be done next month, so great photos will be forthcoming.